Junior Golf

Listed Below are some links to Junior tournaments and events:
WESTERN NEW YORK PGA JUNIOR TOUR: Contact Julie Haile, [email protected]



I am excited that we will have OP 36 back at Lake View CC for a third year. I believe the program is very successful. The kids enjoyed the games we played which contributed to their learning experience. The challenge to shoot 36 adds to the fun.

The program runs for eight weeks: one hour class per week, consisting of instruction and games that make practice more enjoyable. In addition, nine-hole rounds are played every other week. All players start at 25 yards from the hole and continue at this yardage until they can score 36 or less. After completing Step 1, they move to 50 yards. Step 3 is 100 yards, Step 4 is 150 yards, Step 5 is 200 yards, etc, until they reach the set of tees they would normally play. Pace of play is under 2 hours. Students can also play on their own and receive points for extra play. (Note: Returning students will start at the yardage they achieved in 2024.) The students also have weekly skill tests to earn stickers.

Parents and their kids have an app that provides class information and the student’s success rate as it tracks all scores and successful challenges. Learning opportunities such as rules and fitness are also available on the website.

Classes are limited to 6 students. Register by contacting Steve, at [email protected] or 814-397-4280. I plan to set up classes based on age and ability when possible. I understand there will be time and family situations. I will do my best to honor these requests.  We will determine classes after we see the number of registrations. Classes will be on Mondays or Thursdays. Nine hole rounds will be the opposite day, dates may be adjusted per course availability. Please register by May 1.

The annual fee to bring this program to Lake View was covered by the Crane Youth Fund. Thanks to the charity pro-am and all members that contribute to the fund. Children and grandchildren (age 7-18) of golf and social members are invited to participate. Junior members are also welcome.
A parent meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 15, at 6:00 PM, at the club to inform you about the program and answer any questions. Classes begin May 19.

In addition, we will continue the PGA Junior League Program for ages 7-13. The League pairs two Lake View players against two players from another club in a 9 hole scramble match play format. Participants play from tees based on age and ability. Matches usually begin in June and continue until July 31. Matches generally are on weekend afternoons. The 2024 Erie League consisted of teams from Kahkwa, Lake Shore, Culbertson Hills and Lake View. We played home and away matches against each team. 

Kids may elect to participate in one or both junior programs. Registration is now available at: pgajrleague.com. Click on Find Programs, use North East, Pa or 16428 in the search bar, Access code is: Lakeviewcc

I would also like to have a 14-17 age group for an in-house PGA Junior League if we can get enough players. Kids interested should contact me. Most matches would be at Lake View with the possibility of away matches also.

All billing except for the PGA Junior League fee will be through the Lake View Charge System. The PGA fee of $99 plus tax must be paid online. The PGA fee is for hats, shirts, bag tags, etc.

Golf Members (including Junior Members)
OP 36 only - $300
PGA Team only - $100 plus PGA Junior League fee
Both OP 36 and PGA Team - $300 plus PGA Junior League Fee

Social Members
OP 36 only - $400
PGA Team only - $200 plus PGA Junior League fee
Both OP 36 and PGA Team - $400 plus PGA Junior League Fee
(Note: fees for social members are $100 more than the golf members to cover the use of the golf course, driving range, and practice area)

Spectator/caddy fees per cart in both the OP 36 and Junior League will be $11 for all 9-hole rounds regardless of the number of riders.


Our Ladies’ Academy consists of eight one-hour educational and fun classes that develop the skills required to play on the course. In addition, play nine hole rounds every other week. The format begins at 25 yards, scores 36 or less, then proceed to 50 yards, then 100 yards, etc. The Op 36 App will guide your progress. I am hoping to do Monday or Thursday Classes depending on interest. Monday afternoons or evenings are possibilities. Thursday, probably at 3:45 so we do not affect league play. We will determine the schedule later. I would like to start approximately the week of May 19. Open to Lake View golf and social members. Waiting list for guests is possible should spots be available. Limit of six per class. Fees are the same as juniors: $300 for golf members, $400 for social members.

Steve Crane

Contact me by email, [email protected], or text 814-397-4280, if you have any questions or concerns.


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Clubhouse: (814) 725-9644
Pro Shop: (814) 725-9561


Lake View Country Club
8351 Station Road
North East, PA 16428